Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 30

Footprints of Death..............

I woke up this morning giving praise to God. I just felt glad to have the opportunity to wake up. I was very tired as I was up late studying and tending to other personal projects but once I awoke, my heart was filled with gratefulness. I was extremely grateful!! I began to reminisce about how I was a kid taking care of my disabled parents.I remembered how I went to elementary school, came home, cooked, made sure both my parents took their medicines, washed the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, swept the floor, did my homework, ironed my clothes for the week, cooked for my Uncle that lived with us, and prepared the dinner menu for the next day all while getting "A's" in school. When I look back over my life I have a million memories of God's grace and strength in my life because I am assured that I could have done none of these things without God's for this I am forever grateful.

I missed my work-out this morning and I was a little bummed. My work-out gives me energy and increases my serotonin levels, which improves the symptoms of depression. Unfortunately, the school assignment took way too much out of me and I could not make it.

Today, I feel good about my sugar intake. I only ate natural sugar, no sweet drinks, cookies, or cupcakes. Yay!!! For me this is a day by day process. Some people love to eat steak, potatoes, bread, pasta, etc. These foods don't impress me at all, I would pass all of these foods up to graze on the cookies, cupcakes, and puddings. Sweets are the culprits of my weight gain, so when I avoid them, it's a big deal!

For the past few days, I was hit unexpectedly by a very personal situation. A situation that I committed 150% of my time and energy to. It was a project that I hoped would succeed, but it appears that the other individuals involved with me in this project don't share my commitment. What do you do when you are working on a project and the people that you are working with are not hard workers, they give up easily, they are unmotivated, and indecisive? I was unsure but now I think I've figured out what I need to do. Any suggestions (semi-confused smile)???

Today grief took a back seat to gratefulness and for that I am glad. Despite my apparent breakthrough I will still run through the BAADD (5 stages of grief) process. Here I go:

Bargaining - Not at all cause it's a little late for that. :)
Acceptance -Totally
Anger -Not today, no manifestations. :) :) :)
Denial - No, just unbelief.
Depression - Fighting my way out and I will win!

As always it is my goal to live, laugh, and love always and intentionally. Love conquers all, so love conquers grief.

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