Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Day 7 -Committed

Footprints of Death...............12/16/09

The past few days have been weird. There have been more deaths of people who are friends or loved ones of people I know. My heart goes out to everyone who is or has suffered loss period, but especially during this time. I know that the holidays seem to worsen the feelings of loss, but if we stick together we can make it through.

Today I felt a little numb and I had a hard time concentrating. I was going to skip writing today but I told myself that I was going to commit to understanding and working my way through the BAADD (5 stages of grief) process. So, I am..and I will!

I've been through this process before and the only way for me to successfully get through it, is to: trust in God, pray, meditate, read the Bible, stay close to people who love me, make no life changing decisions, if possible, (i.e. relationships, excessive partying, eating etc), and do not ignore my feelings. I must be aware of myself.

If I were asked to give advice about how to move past grief, this is the advice I would give. I used these tools during my first loss of 1999 and now I am practicing them again this year.

In truth, I better get acquainted with this process because I'll have to walk through it until the day I die. This statement is not meant to be a "bleak" thought, just a "realistic" one.

Oh yea, I appreciate the comments that many of you have written me about this blog on Facebook. I'm glad to know that I am not the only one who has feelings like this, and I am glad that God chose me to to shine the light on a usually dark topic.

Remember to laugh, live, and love often...............

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