Saturday, December 12, 2009

Day 3 Continued

Footprints of Death...............

Birthday movie time has ended. I just finished cleaning my bathroom, it was a mess. I HATE filth in any form or fashion and what I have just witnessed in that bathroom in just two weeks is alarming (small smile).

Anyway, as I was mopping my bathroom floor, I thought about the condition of the world. The troops in Iraq, the violence, the over-sexualized culture that we live in, the millions of job losses, the home losses, the loss of stability that our country is experiencing....the list goes on and on. I started to pray for everyone and everything that "we" as a nation are going through. It was nice to forget about myself, really nice.

I thought about this blog and realized that people everywhere are experiencing loss of "all" things right now. I think that the only way to get through this season is to continue to pray and try to help someone else.I have an idea.... I would like to sponsor 3 single-parent-headed families a month. I do not know how I will do it, but I will do it. I know exactly how I would like to help them, but I'll keep that part a secret between me and God (God and I,I know!!!).

After praying, I thought to myself, at least I had two great parents,not like the ones that were portrayed in the movie "Precious" so I have a lot to be grateful for. I find that answering myself with a positive answer to negative questions or thoughts posed by myself is often helpful in counteracting the mind portion of my soul.

Maybe the loss of things, people, or secure times is just a way to make us retreat from the hustle and bustle of life and turn to the more important things in life like serving God, serving others in community, and loving family and friends.

Maybe! Maybe? Just Maybe.

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