Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 73

Footprints of Death...............

Wow, I am so completely exhausted! Finals weeks. Grrrrr! I'll be fine I know but it is a physical and mental sacrifice. When I was younger I seemed to not feel the late night studying, etc.

Funny story, I was out the other day and my cell phone rang. All of sudden my stomach dropped and I was struck with terror. I briefly said, "Oh God, I hope this is not a bad call about Daddy being rushed to the hospital or that he died." As soon as I looked down, I realized that my Daddy already died and I don't have to worry about him anymore. I am relieved. For over 30 years I have been afraid by the terror that another bad thing (sickness, accident, etc) had happened to one or both of my parents. Now both myself and my parents can rest. God is amazing!

I will go through the BAADD (5 stages of grief) process as I promised myself:

Bargaining- Not at all.
Acceptance -Totally, I am getting used to the idea that I don't have living parents, it causes me to rely more heavily on God.
Anger - No, manifestations.
Denial - No, just unbelief from time to time.
Depression - Amazingly, I am feeling better. Thank God!

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