Saturday, January 29, 2011

Days 399-413

Footprints of Death...............

I have been busy with school and life, but I have no complaints.  At this point, I feel like I have moved past least for now.  There are times when certain scents, songs, phrases, words, or foods bring back fond memories of the ones that I love.  I feel like the greatest gift that I can give my loved ones that have passed on, is the "gift of remembrance."  As time passes, sometimes I am afraid that I will forget them and honestly that scares me a bit. 

I just had a birthday and I am feeling grateful and reflective.  Remember to laugh, live, and love always and on purpose.

Until next time..............................................................................................................................

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Days 392-398

Footprints of Death...............

I think for now that my grieving process has ended.  I no longer feel the 5 stages of grief (bargaining, acceptance, anger, denial, depression) so I think that this is great news.  I have peace again!  I know that death is a constant, but so is love and right now I am focusing on the love that I am able to give and to receive.  I am excited again about what life has to offer me.  I know that God has a master plan that I am incapable of understanding.

Remembering that life is not promised so I will laugh, live, and love always and on purpose.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Days 387-391

Footprints of Death...............

Wow!  Since the year 2011 began, life has been pretty amazing.  I still have a few challenges but this year seemed to bring an air about it that reassures me that the horrific disappointments and losses of my past are forever gone away.  Weird, how fast things change!  One year ago, life was insignificant to me because of the deep loss that I felt.  Being parentless left me feeling abandoned but in one year God has proven to me that with him I AM NEVER ALONE.  I have no words for the joy and gratefulness that is in my heart.

In terms of the BAADD (5 stages of grief) process, here we go:

Bargaining- Not at all.
Anger-Not anymore.
Denial- No.
Depression- No, I'm doing well.

Life is short so I intend to laugh, live, and love always and on purpose.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Days 379-386

Footprints of Death...............

I am amazed at how well I handled the holidays without my dearest loved ones (i.e. parents, my aunt, and great-aunt).  I think that my grief has ended because I am able to focus on good memories of them and not just the fact that I have lost their presence here on earth. That's growth!  Growth is great!  I must admit that losing a loved one is a terrible pain that leaves a void in your heart so large that sometimes you believe that everyone can see the void or the hole.  I'm just glad that these intense feelings do not last forever.

In terms of the BAADD (5 stages of grief) process, here we go:
Bargaining- Not at all.
Anger-Not anymore.
Denial- No.
Depression- No, I'm doing well.

As always, I will continue to laugh, live, and love and I wish the same for everyone else who has suffered a loss.