Thursday, November 18, 2010

Days 332-339

Footprints of Death...............

The holiday season is approaching and this time tends to remind me of what I do not have even though I am grateful for what I have.  In this case, the holidays cause me to miss my parents terribly.  This is a weird time so I am depending on God to take me through this season.  I intend to continue to  write on this blog more often during the holiday season just to vent my feelings.

In terms of the BAADD or 5 stages of grief process, I better go over it:

Bargaining- Not at all.
Acceptance- Yes, I have accepted it but my acceptance has yet to give way to approval.
Anger- Not anymore.
Depression-  No.
Denial- Not at all but I am still in unbelief.

As always remember to laugh, live, and love always and on purpose.

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