Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Days 232-234

Footprints of Death...............

I know that this may seem weird but now that both of my parents are gone, the only time that I get to see them and interact with them is in my dreams. This morning I had a dream about my Dad.  Here it is:

My Daddy was in his early 30's and he had still had both of his hands. He was wearing a basketball jersey as he was returning from playing basketball with the guys.  We were all at a bbq and the women were inside getting the food ready while my Daddy and the guys were outside playing basketball.  My Daddy was coming in to eat, when my Friend E and myself were coming out of the door.  My friend E looked at my Daddy and said, "You have such beautiful eyes."  My Dad looked down at her and said, "I got them from my father."  This dream was significant to me for two reasons: 1). I was grown in the dream but my Dad was the age that he was when I was born.  2). The line that my Dad said to my friend E was the line that I always say to people when they compliment me on my eyes.

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