Footprints of Death...............
This tragedy has left me reeling. When our society has come to a point where young people think that it is alright to murder children, we have reached a level of society depravity that must be addressed. I need to time to grasp what has happened, but my prayers and condolences go out to the survivors of the shootings that occurred on December 14, 2012. God give Newtown, CT and our nation peace to walk through this disaster.
The death of both my parents has left a huge impression on me. I hope to blog about my experience with death's impression on my life. I hope that my experience with death leaves a footprint of where I have been and not where I am destined to stay. I also hope that other people will be able to use my footprints as a guide to lead them out of the darkness that death sometimes leaves behind.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Lost, But Not Forgotten
Footprints of Death...............
The past 4 weeks have been life-changing and impact-ful because of the loss of female comedic legend Phyllis Dillard on August 20, 2012. Then on September 3, 2012 beloved actor Michael Clarke Duncan passed away.
As a child my parents and I would erupt in stomach clenching laughter whenever Ms. Dillard came on the television. Ms. Dillard paved the way for other comedic favorites like Lucille Ball and other female stand-up comics.
Michael Clarke Duncan wowed us all with his acting ability. I will never forget his his role in "The Green Mile." He really captured our hearts with that role.
My prayers go out to the family, friends, and fans of these amazing Hollywood Stars. Both your lights will never be diminished.
The past 4 weeks have been life-changing and impact-ful because of the loss of female comedic legend Phyllis Dillard on August 20, 2012. Then on September 3, 2012 beloved actor Michael Clarke Duncan passed away.
My prayers go out to the family, friends, and fans of these amazing Hollywood Stars. Both your lights will never be diminished.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Artie Williams III: The Man of Quiet Power & Strength
Footprints of Death...............
My sister and I met Artie at Valencia Christian Center in 2009. He served in the church and made the entire congregation feel safe by standing at the entrance to the sanctuary and by making sure that the services were held without disruption or interruption by intruders.
My sister and I were singers on the "Praise and Worship Team" and one day Artie approached my sister and asked her opinion about music. He told her that he wanted to have more gospel music to listen to and he wanted her recommendation. For the next year, Artie and my sister became fast friends. Yes, I really do mean friends, although many people do not believe that men and women can just be friends, I can attest to the fact that it is possible.
Anyway, by the summer of 2010, my older sister and Artie spoke often. He would come by our house for dinner and we would discuss his love of all things SCUBA DIVING. Lol! He was so excited about his love for the sport, he made me want to dive. He told me that he would take my sister and I scuba diving, but then I confessed that I was not ready for diving. He asked me why and I said, "Um, I can't swim." Most people would have laughed, but Artie politely said, "Well, you learn how to swim, then I will take the both of you scuba diving." I do not know why I was so happy to hear his encouragement, but I was. In just a few moment Artie had given me a short term goal of learning how to swim and a long term goal of going scuba diving. Wow!
The summer of 2010 was a trying time for my older sister as she was diagnosed with major abdominal problems. Both she and I were worried about her health and her life. During the summer, my sister endured blood transfusions and treatments to increase her iron levels. She needed surgery, but the doctors refused to book a date for her until her iron levels improved. I watched my sister's Spirit weaken and there was not much that I could say or do to make her feel better, but her daily call from Artie during this time always did the trick. By the time my sister's surgery was scheduled for the second week of August 2010, her doctors were prepared for the worst, but my sister, myself, and Artie were believing God for a miracle for my sister's health.
When surgery day arrived, my sister received a call from Artie. I am sure he was worried about her, but he told her that she would be fine. I stayed with my sister until she had to go into surgery preparation. I was strong in her presence, but inside I was afraid. The surgery was supposed to take about 2 or 3 hours, but she was in surgery for about 5 to 6 hours. As I became familiar with Cedar Sinai Hospital by visiting the cafeteria, various waiting areas, and several surrounding locations on the campus I was met with constant calls from Artie. About an hour into the surgery Artie called me and said, "Are you ok? Was T in good spirits when she went into surgery? Did they tell you how long the surgery will last?" I answered all of his questions. He told me that he had a busy work schedule but that he would check in periodically. I guess I did know the meaning of periodically because he called about very couple of hours. Each time that I felt my phone vibrate I thought, "Oh good this must be my brother or my other sister calling to check on my sister." I was so wrong. It was Artie! Each time he was more and more concerned about why my sister's surgery was taking so long. I told him that I did not know, but one of her surgeons told me that his portion of the surgery went well but the gastrointestinal doctor had a lot of work to do.
After the surgery, my sister recovered rather quickly. Within 4 days she was released from the hospital, but I was faced with yet another obstacle, getting my sister who just had major abdominal surgery up three flights of stairs to get home to our apartment. As soon as I realized that she was coming home sooner that I expected I began to call all of the men that my sister knew because I could not physically carry her up those three flights of stairs if the need arose. I called men who my sister babysat for and they said, "No." I called men that my sister had cooked for often and they said, "No." I even asked men that she was acquainted with and they said, "Maybe", which to me, still meant, "No." Finally, with little hope of getting help, I called Artie. I said, "Artie, I have a problem. I know that you work and I am so sorry to bother you but T is coming home tomorrow and I have no one to help me get her up the three flights of stairs leading to our apartment." Without hesitation he asked what time she would be released. He said, "I'll be there, just call me when you are leaving the hospital." I followed Artie's instructions and when I arrived at home he was waiting in the parking lot in over 100 degree weather. I could not believe it. He really came to help.
Artie was one of the best! He was compassionate, gentle, honorable, possessed a lot of integrity , and kind. He was a quiet power and strength. I remember one Sunday at church I complimented him on his suit and tie and he just smiled as if it was hard for him to receive the compliment. He was a great man! My sister and Artie were close friends, so I am writing this on her behalf. Just as Artie Williams III was a Quiet Strength, I was a Quiet Observer of the kind of man that he was.
We are sorry to have lost you on August 18, 2012. Artie, you are and forever will be greatly missed!

My sister and I met Artie at Valencia Christian Center in 2009. He served in the church and made the entire congregation feel safe by standing at the entrance to the sanctuary and by making sure that the services were held without disruption or interruption by intruders.
My sister and I were singers on the "Praise and Worship Team" and one day Artie approached my sister and asked her opinion about music. He told her that he wanted to have more gospel music to listen to and he wanted her recommendation. For the next year, Artie and my sister became fast friends. Yes, I really do mean friends, although many people do not believe that men and women can just be friends, I can attest to the fact that it is possible.
Anyway, by the summer of 2010, my older sister and Artie spoke often. He would come by our house for dinner and we would discuss his love of all things SCUBA DIVING. Lol! He was so excited about his love for the sport, he made me want to dive. He told me that he would take my sister and I scuba diving, but then I confessed that I was not ready for diving. He asked me why and I said, "Um, I can't swim." Most people would have laughed, but Artie politely said, "Well, you learn how to swim, then I will take the both of you scuba diving." I do not know why I was so happy to hear his encouragement, but I was. In just a few moment Artie had given me a short term goal of learning how to swim and a long term goal of going scuba diving. Wow!
The summer of 2010 was a trying time for my older sister as she was diagnosed with major abdominal problems. Both she and I were worried about her health and her life. During the summer, my sister endured blood transfusions and treatments to increase her iron levels. She needed surgery, but the doctors refused to book a date for her until her iron levels improved. I watched my sister's Spirit weaken and there was not much that I could say or do to make her feel better, but her daily call from Artie during this time always did the trick. By the time my sister's surgery was scheduled for the second week of August 2010, her doctors were prepared for the worst, but my sister, myself, and Artie were believing God for a miracle for my sister's health.
When surgery day arrived, my sister received a call from Artie. I am sure he was worried about her, but he told her that she would be fine. I stayed with my sister until she had to go into surgery preparation. I was strong in her presence, but inside I was afraid. The surgery was supposed to take about 2 or 3 hours, but she was in surgery for about 5 to 6 hours. As I became familiar with Cedar Sinai Hospital by visiting the cafeteria, various waiting areas, and several surrounding locations on the campus I was met with constant calls from Artie. About an hour into the surgery Artie called me and said, "Are you ok? Was T in good spirits when she went into surgery? Did they tell you how long the surgery will last?" I answered all of his questions. He told me that he had a busy work schedule but that he would check in periodically. I guess I did know the meaning of periodically because he called about very couple of hours. Each time that I felt my phone vibrate I thought, "Oh good this must be my brother or my other sister calling to check on my sister." I was so wrong. It was Artie! Each time he was more and more concerned about why my sister's surgery was taking so long. I told him that I did not know, but one of her surgeons told me that his portion of the surgery went well but the gastrointestinal doctor had a lot of work to do.
After the surgery, my sister recovered rather quickly. Within 4 days she was released from the hospital, but I was faced with yet another obstacle, getting my sister who just had major abdominal surgery up three flights of stairs to get home to our apartment. As soon as I realized that she was coming home sooner that I expected I began to call all of the men that my sister knew because I could not physically carry her up those three flights of stairs if the need arose. I called men who my sister babysat for and they said, "No." I called men that my sister had cooked for often and they said, "No." I even asked men that she was acquainted with and they said, "Maybe", which to me, still meant, "No." Finally, with little hope of getting help, I called Artie. I said, "Artie, I have a problem. I know that you work and I am so sorry to bother you but T is coming home tomorrow and I have no one to help me get her up the three flights of stairs leading to our apartment." Without hesitation he asked what time she would be released. He said, "I'll be there, just call me when you are leaving the hospital." I followed Artie's instructions and when I arrived at home he was waiting in the parking lot in over 100 degree weather. I could not believe it. He really came to help.
Artie was one of the best! He was compassionate, gentle, honorable, possessed a lot of integrity , and kind. He was a quiet power and strength. I remember one Sunday at church I complimented him on his suit and tie and he just smiled as if it was hard for him to receive the compliment. He was a great man! My sister and Artie were close friends, so I am writing this on her behalf. Just as Artie Williams III was a Quiet Strength, I was a Quiet Observer of the kind of man that he was.
We are sorry to have lost you on August 18, 2012. Artie, you are and forever will be greatly missed!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Mr. Andy Griffith Passes at 86 Years Old
Footprints of Death...............
I would like to offer my sincere condolences to the Griffith family. Mr. Andy Griffith was born June 1, 1926 and passed away on July 3, 2012. He was 86 years old. He was a television icon. He brought honor to the silver screen as he chose roles that were positive. He showed our world what it meant to be a humble, giving, and kind man. He showed us that being a Hollywood star also means being responsible for the type of life that you live. He was from the South and he exuded dignity when it came to matters of race and humanity. Mr. Griffith, you will be missed, but NEVER forgotten!
I would like to offer my sincere condolences to the Griffith family. Mr. Andy Griffith was born June 1, 1926 and passed away on July 3, 2012. He was 86 years old. He was a television icon. He brought honor to the silver screen as he chose roles that were positive. He showed our world what it meant to be a humble, giving, and kind man. He showed us that being a Hollywood star also means being responsible for the type of life that you live. He was from the South and he exuded dignity when it came to matters of race and humanity. Mr. Griffith, you will be missed, but NEVER forgotten!
Just a thought
Footprints of Death...............
Life seems to be moving faster and faster everyday. I am finding that this blog continues to be cathartic for me even after my own personal loss in 2009. Who knew that three years later, I would still feel at peace every time I place my feelings and thoughts about death on this blog? I am amazed and glad that I am able to express my thoughts about death and its impact as well as celebrate the lives of others who have impacted our society, but have now passed on.
Life seems to be moving faster and faster everyday. I am finding that this blog continues to be cathartic for me even after my own personal loss in 2009. Who knew that three years later, I would still feel at peace every time I place my feelings and thoughts about death on this blog? I am amazed and glad that I am able to express my thoughts about death and its impact as well as celebrate the lives of others who have impacted our society, but have now passed on.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Loss Impacts our Society
Footprints of Death...............
Life is moving forward and unfortunately death is a part of life.
On April 18, 2012 we lost famed music and television host Dick Clark. He lived to be 82 years old. His impact on American music will never be forgotten.
Today, May17, 2012 we lost the "Queen of Disco" Donna Summer. She was 63 years old.
My condolences go out to all of the family, friends, and fans of each of these timeless legends. We will never find anyone to fill the space that you two filled in American culture but we will keep you both alive by keeping your memories alive.
Life is moving forward and unfortunately death is a part of life.
On April 18, 2012 we lost famed music and television host Dick Clark. He lived to be 82 years old. His impact on American music will never be forgotten.
Today, May17, 2012 we lost the "Queen of Disco" Donna Summer. She was 63 years old.
My condolences go out to all of the family, friends, and fans of each of these timeless legends. We will never find anyone to fill the space that you two filled in American culture but we will keep you both alive by keeping your memories alive.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Days 785-808
Footprints of Death...............
On Saturday, February 11, 2012 the world lost a wonderful person and voice, Whitney Houston. She shared her heart with us through song and she was so loved. My deepest condolences go out to Sissy Houston and Bobby Kristina Brown, her daughter. I am praying for the Brown/Houston family and I hope that everyone will do the same. RIP Whitney!
On Saturday, February 11, 2012 the world lost a wonderful person and voice, Whitney Houston. She shared her heart with us through song and she was so loved. My deepest condolences go out to Sissy Houston and Bobby Kristina Brown, her daughter. I am praying for the Brown/Houston family and I hope that everyone will do the same. RIP Whitney!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Days 758-784
Footprints of Death...............
I have no bad news and no death news to report. I believe that I have gone through the five stages of grief and that I have healed quite nicely. In fact, I am once again so focused on life, that I have very few thoughts of death itself. Although the sting of death is now gone, I WILL NEVER forget the loved ones that have transitioned. These days, my mind is bombarded by good memories that I shared with those who have transitioned. Sometimes, I wish they could see me now as an adult. Sometimes, I wish that I could seek their advice, but somehow someway I feel that they are cheering me on.
Gratefully and surprisingly I just celebrated my 39th birthday. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! I was so sick from ages 0-25 I never thought that I would live to be this old. I appreciate everyday that I have been given. My life's goal is to live on-purpose and to reach my destiny while helping to make other peoples' lives a little better.
As always, I am remembering to live life to the fullest by laughing, living, and loving always and on purpose.
I have no bad news and no death news to report. I believe that I have gone through the five stages of grief and that I have healed quite nicely. In fact, I am once again so focused on life, that I have very few thoughts of death itself. Although the sting of death is now gone, I WILL NEVER forget the loved ones that have transitioned. These days, my mind is bombarded by good memories that I shared with those who have transitioned. Sometimes, I wish they could see me now as an adult. Sometimes, I wish that I could seek their advice, but somehow someway I feel that they are cheering me on.
Gratefully and surprisingly I just celebrated my 39th birthday. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! I was so sick from ages 0-25 I never thought that I would live to be this old. I appreciate everyday that I have been given. My life's goal is to live on-purpose and to reach my destiny while helping to make other peoples' lives a little better.
As always, I am remembering to live life to the fullest by laughing, living, and loving always and on purpose.
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